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Welcome to the Year 4 homework page.
Set Friday, in on Wednesday (unless otherwise stated).
If you can read, you can learn anything.
Please read with your child or they can read alone for minimum of 20 minutes daily. Log reading in your child's reading records.
If your child has any issues with their homework, please let us know as quickly as possible and we will help.
Homework format
Task 1 consists of TTRS, spelling and reading.  This task has a weekly deadline.
The following tasks are set half termly.
Task 2 is a grammar focus or KIRFS across the curriculum.
Task 3 will be set once per half term to allow for creativity. 
Below is the list of Y3/4 statutory spellings which is used as a resource in lessons and are expected to be correct.
Periodically we will set a homework task that helps you to practise them at home.
Here are some instructions for using Times Tables Rock Stars, which we hope you will find useful.
Previous homework
15th September - see the PDF below for new tasks.
Please continue with the eco committee and school council tasks.
Both are due in next Friday (22.9.23).